Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Genghis Khan video script from Abhigya History Videos

Genghis Khan was one of the greatest conquerors the world has ever seen. When Genghis Khan, or Temujin, was growing up, the Mongols were not a single nation. They were a group of smaller tribes, and they united into a loosely tied together Mongol Confederacy. Temujin grew up and became the leader of his tribe. All was going well for him until his wife, Borte, was captured. He proved his military skill when he went to rescue his wife. The other tribe leaders felt threatened by Temujin’s military prowess, and they started a civil war. Temujin won this civil war and reunited the Mongol Confederacy, into the Mongol Empire. He was named the Great Khan, the leader of all Mongols, and hence he changed his name to Genghis Khan. He went on to conquer most of Asia, from Korea to the Caspian Sea.
As you know early in Genghis Khan’s life he was named Temujin. His father died early in his life, and he was mainly raised by his mother. He killed his step-brother when they got into a fight, and then he was arrested by being chained with a yoke. He eventually escaped with a little help from a Mongol family. Temujin then went to claim his betrothed bride ,since childhood, Borte. Temujin then allied himself with a powerful tribe leader, named Toghril. He fought for Toghril, but eventually his ally grew nervous of Temujin’s power and ordered for him to be killed. But Temujin thwarted this attempt.
By the time Temujin was 43 years old he had defeated his rival Jamuka, and had become the sole ruler of the entire Mongol steppe. He was renamed Genghis Khan. He went on to conquer all the land from Korea to the Caspian Sea, and his descendants conquered even more. He made his son, Ogedei Khan, his heir. Genghis died in 1227 when be fell off his horse.
Genghis Khan was a very modern ruler. He used things like passports to regulate trade in his empire. He also wrote the Yassa law code that every Mongol citizen had to follow. The Yam was a postal service created by Genghis Khan to transport messages throughout his massive empire. In the Mongol Empire there was no religious persecution. Since Genghis Khan was a shamanist, one who believes in nature, he did not impose his religion on others. So religious freedom was a norm in Genghis Khan’s empire.

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